Stinky Ears!
On January 26, 2015 by SprocketMy human left the house with just Charlie this afternoon. I didn’t like it, and I whined. I wanted to go too…… I thought they were going for a walk, or somewhere fun. I like going for rides to the bank and places like that because they give me treats. I didn’t want just Charlie to get treats!
But when they came home and I got a good whiff of both of them, I was glad my human left me home! They both smelled like the vet’s office. My human put stuff in Charlie’s stinky ears, and he shook his head all around. I don’t think he liked it very much. My human says it will make him feel better and make the stinky ears go away. I hope so!
Charlie seemed really happy to be home. We ran around and chased each other in the house and wrestled and traded toys. I wonder if he liked the vet.