Category: Toys

Tummy Ache

Tonight I ate half of my tire toy while my humans were watching a movie. When they saw, they took what was left away from me. But then they gave me ice cream! After that, I didn’t feel so good. My tummy hurt and I threw up. Lots of times. Maybe that ice cream was Read More

Busy Days

  It’s been a fun few days! My humans took me with them to run errands a couple of days ago, and they got ice cream on the way home. The nice person at the drive-through asked if it was ok for me to have a “pup cup.” Of course my humans said yes. I Read More

Humans and Toys

  Playing with toys is sooooooo much better when humans hold the toys. I don’t know why. This toy tastes pretty good. The package said it’s supposed to taste like a stick. Whatever they did to it, I like it.   Read More

Bark Box Delivery

I got a new Bark Box today! It’s full of stuff that smells really yummy, especially the Barkworthies bully stick. Dad and I have already played with the Loopies toy, Specter. It has long legs that I can hold onto and tug, and a nice chewy bouncy head, like there’s a tennis ball or something Read More

Sprocket Toy

I got a neat P:ECO Penguin Organic Dog Toy in one of my Bark Boxes. It’s made by Sprocket Pet Goods. How nifty is that? Mom doesn’t normally let me play with it very long, but today I stole it off the table after she took pictures. Within 10 minutes, I was able to get Read More


I’m so tired right now. My dad played fetch with me in the backyard! It’s sunny and it’s warm and oh my gosh just so nice! We have new racquetballs. They bounce really well and they’re easy to carry. Dad bounced it off the roof of the shed – I didn’t expect that. I couldn’t Read More

IQ Treat Ball

3 Barks out of 5 Sprocket Says: I got to play with an IQ treat ball a few months ago because it came in one of my Bark Boxes. It was fun! I liked trying to get the treat. The ball was crunchy, too. My mom took it away from me within a day. I Read More

PetProjekt Dog Egg

March’s Bark Box included petprojekt Small Dogegg Squeaky Dog Toy. This is now my favorite toy! I’ve almost killed the squeaker, but it’s still a ton of fun. When my human throws it, it bounces in funny ways I don’t expect. It’s the perfect size for me to carry around. I love to play keep Read More