
I like looking out the windows. They are just the right height. I can see other humans and dogs walking down the street. I can see birds and rabbits and other stuff, too. I also watch for my humans to come home. I can usually hear their cars before they turn the corner. Read More

Evil Noisy Spinny Thing

My human has been trying to get me to sit still while she puts this awful thing against my nails. I don’t like it, but I thought it was better than the scissor-y thing that cut my nails. Until yesterday. I was annoyed and I yanked my paw away and turned my head towards my Read More

Humans and Toys

  Playing with toys is sooooooo much better when humans hold the toys. I don’t know why. This toy tastes pretty good. The package said it’s supposed to taste like a stick. Whatever they did to it, I like it.   Read More

Fire Hydrant and Big Hole

  My human and I walked around the neighborhood today. We saw a great big pile of dirt, and a huge hole in the ground! I wanted to get a lot closer than my human would let me. Dirt. So much glorious dirt! There were humans in the bottom of the hole, too! I like Read More

Walk Through Front Yard

  We went for a short walk this afternoon. We looked at the flowers in the front of the house. I know rabbits have been here – I can smell them! They have been chewing on my human’s flowers. The flowers smell good, though. We walked down the street a little ways. There was a Read More

It’s a Sunshine Day!

It’s so nice outside today. I spent time napping on the deck, in the sun. I watched the other neighbors. I said hello to the tv guy when he was here. He let me sniff his hand and lick his phone. Taz and Roo like the sunshine, too. We all spent time in the entryway Read More

Easter Visitors

Today we had a lot of visitors, and one of them was another dog! Spotza and I got to play in the backyard, and we also got to go out to the front yard while the kids looked for eggs. I got a lot of treats today. People food like ham and asparagus and eggs. Read More

Bark Box Delivery

I got a new Bark Box today! It’s full of stuff that smells really yummy, especially the Barkworthies bully stick. Dad and I have already played with the Loopies toy, Specter. It has long legs that I can hold onto and tug, and a nice chewy bouncy head, like there’s a tennis ball or something Read More

April Showers…. Wait, Snow??

I thought we were done with the white stuff for awhile. I was happy that it was getting warmer. I hope the warmer weather comes back soon. Read More

Simply Happy

We all slept in this morning. It was dark and rainy, and we heard thunder and saw lightning. It cleared up by the middle of the day though. Dad took me outside to play fetch. I wasn’t very interested at first, but he took my ball and hid it. Then I wanted to know where Read More

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